今天(28/04/2009)是我门家 BELLE 的大日子,
恭喜她加入2字头的行列!!! ^o^
due to some of us facing examination n some hv to work,
so we celebrated her birtday on
24/04/2009 (saturday)...
恭喜她加入2字头的行列!!! ^o^

due to some of us facing examination n some hv to work,
so we celebrated her birtday on
24/04/2009 (saturday)...
get in DASH's car...

we suppose meet up wif PAO n SOON SENG
but de noob DASH did somethg DUMDUM again...
he forgot we have to wear "half formal",
so LING n me went his house wait him to change his clothes..
c what de DUMDUM DASH doing behind...
he tried to fit in the blazer which owned by his bro..

he is wasting our times...
sunshine brighten up my life...
kinda love dis original lighting effect..

while waiting others...
they choosing present @ pavilion..
LING camwhoring n DASH showing my mirror..

poor skill i hv.. dats y i nid a mirror to help me...
then DASH said im using HIGH TECH to camwhore...

our group pic @ ViVo

ceo Miss Ong n secetary Miss Chan
Wei aka Ivy join us after she finished works...
then we having 2nd round celebration @ WINGS...
waiting for time pass by...

actually we plan to celebrate on 12 o'clock...
who knows the singer break at dat time,
so de waiter ask us to celebrate on 12.30...
light up the candles...